Saturday, July 19, 2008

Now is the time!

I only really SHOP during markdown season. I look for two things: 1) that the item is at a discount of 65% or more and 2) that the item has a long term us in my wardrobe.

Point 1 means that I won't go broke shopping at full price to keep up with trends that are by their nature designed not to last past a few seasons - forcing you to always "have" to shop. Point 1 also means for every dollar I spend on sale, I can have more in quantity as well as quantity. For example, if I pay $1,000 at full price I could have 1 pair of Gucci boots. But if I wait until everything marks down, I could have 1 pair of Gucci boots plus 1 pair of Prada boots for the same $1,000. The difference is getting 1 or getting 2 no more than 2 months later.

Which leads to point 2. You have to be dissaplined enough to only buy quality, trend-proof items/brands. This way, you always have a closet with bench-strength to draw upon to look fab during those 2 months that your in a new season, but waiting to shop.

So, these next few posts are going to be full of things on sale that I think are great wardrobe builders to buy now and why.

Let's get busy!

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